2018 FAI國際飛行傘定點公開賽

週二, 23 一月 2018 09:42 阿寶

2018 FAI國際飛行傘定點公開賽-活動計劃書

2018 Chinese Taipei Paragliding Accuracy Championship, FAI Cat II and National Open


以休閒運動結合南投觀光產業與旅遊景點,吸引觀光參與人潮, 提昇觀光人口倍增之效益,促進南投埔里地方繁榮。










降落場:埔里中降場 如附件一






十三、報名資格:1.所有飛行員需持有2018年有效之FAI 運動執照,無執照者若參加比賽將無法登錄FAI積分並同意放棄比賽名次及各項獎勵,前三名不予敘獎。

2.飛行證照等級需等同FAI-IPPI P3()以上級數



國內飛行員:1. 須持有中華民國內政部認可之飛行傘運動協會所核發飛行證者

2. 由各地分會統一報名或個人報名。




報名窗口:國內(中文) 黃朝顯(大同) 0933-437871

電子信箱: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看 FAX049-2422909

國際(英文) 游智祥(小羊) +886 (928) 362 536

電子信箱: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看 FAX+886 (49) 2422909

大陸香港:戴雷(雷班)+886 932 112 444 微信ID:Eddy_TaiLei

電子信箱: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看


A.國別/隊名 B.領隊姓名 C.電話

a.姓名+同護照英文名 b.台號 c.西元出生年月日 d.性別

e.護照號碼 f.血型 g.連絡電話 h.身高(cm)

i.體重(kg)   j. CIVL ID號碼 k.Email





※任何問題,歡迎來Email 詢問


1. 每人新台幣3000元或美金100元,國外選手請現場繳費



3.國內報名費請匯到台中銀行(053)埔里分行 帳號:054280076852



1. 所有選手由大會統一投保。

2. 大會投保保險金額為300萬,含醫療30(出險自付額1500)保險。

3. 大會投保公共意外責任險。


個人組: 第一名 獎牌乙面

第二名 獎牌乙面

第三名 獎牌乙面

女子組: 第一名 獎牌乙面

第二名 獎牌乙面

第三名 獎牌乙面

團體組: 第一名 獎盃乙座

第二名 獎盃乙座

第三名 獎盃乙座  取前三名為團體成績(團體組4人乙組)















附件一 Takeoff 起飛場 23°57'58.93"N 120°59'21.87"E

Landing Ground降落場 23°57'59.25"N 120°58'55.82"E


2018 Chinese Taipei Paragliding Accuracy Championship, FAI Cat II and National Open

Local Regulation

Link To Facebook

1. Objective

Main goal of paragliding accuracy is to promoting safe and precise landing. Competing pilots have to land safely and as close as possible to the center of measuring field – on an electronic pad.

2. Organization

This event is organized by Puli paragliding Ltd., and Nantou Paragliding Association of Chinese Taipei Aerosports Federation (CTAF) paragliding committee.

3. Advisor

Sport Administration, MOE. Nantou County Government, Nantou County Council, Puli Township Representative Council.

4. Sponsored by

Puli Township Administration and Chinese Taipei Aerosports Federation (CTAF) paragliding committee.

5. Safety support:

Shen Ying Shan Qu Sou Jin Dui (南投縣山難救災防護協會神鷹山區搜救隊)

6. On-site Registration & Test Flying Date:

Mar. 23,  2018, One (1) day

7. Competition Date:

Mar. 24 - 25,  2018, Two (2) days

Retrieval service (Landing to Takeoff) will be provided on Nov. 23~25, 2017.

8. Event Location

Puli, HuTou Mountain in Nantou county of Taiwan (虎頭山)

Pilots registration is at Takeoff / Head Quarter site

Takeoff: HuTou Mountain Launch Site 23°57'58.93"N 120°59'21.87"E

Landing Zone: Center landing field 23°57'59.25"N 120°58'55.82"E

9. Invitation


Invitation will be sent to international pilots for register online. Invitations also sent to China, Mongolia, Japan, Korea, Philippine, Malaysian, Hong Kong, Singaporean, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. All international pilots are welcome to register for this open championship.


Invitation is published by Chinese Taipei Aerosports Federation (CTAF) paragliding committee and Nantou Paragliding association.

10. Competition

Accuracy Landing, FAI/ CIVL Cat II event

11. Competition rules

a). Event will be conduct according to (FAI) CIVL Category 2 competition rules of FAI/CIVL May, 2017 version;

For Accuracy: https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/civl/documents/sporting_code_s7c-accuracy_2017_1_0.pdf

b). Local regulation not conflicting with the (FAI) CIVL regulations will be applied and explain to the pilots before the opening of tasks.

c). Juries & Judge will be appointed by Chinese Taipei Aerosports Federation (CTAF) paragliding committee & CIVL PGA subcommittee.

12. Qualification for entry

a). All pilots must have valid 2018 FAI sporting license to registrate.  Those that do hot have Valid FAI SL will not be given competition ranking or prized.

b). Competing pilots must have FAI-IPPI P3 license or above.

Or egualvalent national license stating pilot’s level.

c). Paraglider must be certified by en-d (include) or lower.

International pilots register by individual or Teams.

Domestic pilots register by teams through their local paragliding associations.

All pilots must consider their own skill level to register into this competition.

13. Registration deadline

Start from now until Mar. 18, 2018 (Sunday).

14. Registration method

Domestic (Chinese) 黃朝顯(大同) 0933-437871

Email: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看 Fax: 049-2422909

International (English) 游智祥(小羊) +886 (928) 362 536

Email: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看 Fax: +886 (49) 2422909

China & Hong Kong: 戴雷(雷班)+886 932 112 444

Email: 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看

Registration information needed:

Please email following information by EXCEL file to register;

1A. Nationality and team name:

1B. Team leaders’ name:

1C. Telephone#:

2A. Pilot’s Name (same as passport):

3A. Nickname:

4A. Date of birth:

5A. Gender:

6A. Passport Number:

7A. Blood type:

8A. FAI SL n.:

9A. Height (cm):

10A. Weight (Kg):

11A. CIVL ID number:

12A. Email address:

13A. ID picture (front, no hat or sunglass):

14A. Vegetarian diet? (Y/N):

Please email above information or register on line directly:


Domestic pilots please pay entry fee before Mar. 18, 2018.

Please email us for any questions.

15. Entry Fee:

a). Each pilot entry fee is NTD $3000 or USD $100.

International pilots pay on arrival day.

(Fee includes two lunch, one dinner, and retrieval car services during competition).

b). Last refund day is Mar. 16, 2018.

c). Domestic pilots please wire entry fee to

Taichung Bank (053) Puli branch, Account # 054280076852 Name: 蘇麗慧

Please notify us last four (4) digits of your account numbers by email or SMS.

16. The Entry fee includes personal Insurance:

(Mar. 23, 2018 – Mar. 25, 2018 three (3) days)

a). Organizer provides insurance for all competing pilots. Insured amount is three million (3,000,000) NTD includes three hundred thousand (300,000) NTD for medical with fifteen hundred (1500) NTD co-pay.

b). Organizer also provides public 3rd party accident insurance for all pilots during competition days.

17. Awards:

Individual category: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, each one medal

Female category: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, each one medal

Team category: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, each one trophy

Four competing pilots form a team, use only the best three score in a team to calculate team result.

18. General information:

a). Equipment: Competitors bring their own radio and equipment.

b). Food: Organizer will provide lunch and water during the event days.

c). Transportation: Organizer will provide transportation for competing pilots from landing to takeoff during event days.

d). Communications: General frequency channel: FM 150.790,

Emergency frequency channel: FM 145.000.

e). Safety rules:

*pilots must wear helmet and carry reserve parachute during flight.

The helmet and harness must compile with latest FAI rule

*Paragliding equipment should follow FAI/ CIVL rules and not change in between

the competition unless permitted by MD. Equipment changes can only be allowed

if it is damaged and not usable and has to be permit by the jury committee and

announced publicly.

*Pilots can only use water or sand bags to increase weight.

*The Emergency radio channel is used only for emergency matters.

*Dangerous behaviors are not allowed. Meet director have the authority to

disqualify any pilots engage with dangerous actives.

*Pilots must obey air traffic and other safety rules as indicate in FAI sporting code

and General regulation.

最近更新在 週四, 22 二月 2018 00:52